
The Strengths Of A Small Business

Picture this.

The all-too-familiar feeling of being sat in lockdown #1, biscuits on your right, cup of tea on your left and the 8th series of the week playing in the background whilst your mind whirs away with all possible thoughts. One of those thoughts that kept popping up for me was “What have I learnt in lockdown?”. I hadn’t learnt a new language or started yoga like others I’d seen all over social media. I had, however, learnt more about self care, self worth and about myself than ever before. Having this time to reflect and see more from the outside looking in, I was able to think about the changes I would want to make with my life. A little while after, my small business MRC DANCE was born.

“So, why not just pay a fiver a month for those unlimited online pre-recorded classes?”

Dance is a competitive field, with so many classes and styles available, I wondered how mine would be different? For me, it’s not just a job, it’s something I genuinely enjoy and want others to as well. I want to make each and every individual feel happy. I want to bring out confidence in others and build their skills so they feel accomplished. MRC DANCE is more than just a business to me, as cheesy as it sounds. It allows me to make other people feel worthy, strong, carefree. (Not to mention all the other great feelings everyone should experience, even if for just half an hour).

My classes are live, so, when appropriate, I can help those who aren’t clicking with a step or those who aren’t feeling as confident in themselves and I can do it genuinely- live! It’s also so great as I get to have a chat with my clients and learn more about them too! “You got a new job? Amazing” “How’s your dog after it’s op??”. When a class is pre-recorded (and we’ve all been a victim to this), it is so easy to skip the class or ‘just leave it until tomorrow’. Tomorrow never comes and we’ve lost out on another class.

A happy dance teacher waiting for her class to begin!
Waiting for a class to begin!

This blog post was not really meant for plugging my small business, but to remind those other small business owners to remind themselves- we might be called a ‘small businesses’ but we are mighty! We’ve earnt it and we’re rocking it.

As always, stay safe and keeeep dancing!

Maisie, MRC DANCE 🙂


How to boost confidence through dancing!

Hi everyone! I saw a post on ‘memories’ pop up on one of my social media accounts about young girls I used to teach who were struggling with confidence and decided to write a little post on it, hopefully it helps at least one other person!

Confidence is a funny thing. I never used to have any self-confidence, especially through my school years and just after, when transitioning into my early young-adult stage. People very often don’t believe me when I tell them that as now- I can stand up in-front of a crowd and teach! But my lack of self-confidence was crippling, I struggled through so many basic things that I now just blissfully stroll through and that’s the reason why I’m passionate about teaching and helping others discover and build their confidence.

I like to remind people that confidence doesn’t just appear overnight. Like anything, it needs to be worked at and needs to grow but my goodness when it grows, it is bloomin’ beautiful and perseverance is absolutely the key.

5 things I try to instil into people when teaching:

1) Every body is a dance body

2) You’re never too old to start dancing

3) Try and travel outside of your comfort zone even if it’s just once

4) Be different, not better

5) Just have fun!

I believe praise is what helps people grow the most confidence, whether it comes from an outsider or the individual themselves. I absolutely love giving praise as often as possible, I love to encourage individuals to give themselves praise too, a little bit of self-love goes a long way. You’ve aced that move you couldn’t do last week?? Amazing!

And this is where dancing has so far helped me through more than just confidence with dancing, but with life. It has helped me express myself and has helped me become the small-business owner, independent woman and positive person that I am today. So if you’re reading this now, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Go and attend that Street dance class, dance like nobody’s watching, cheer on your friend that also doesn’t believe they’re enough and figure out who you are by doing all these great things and then love the person that blooms from it all.

Remember to give my Instagram page a visit- I’m always posting reels and stories to try to spread the love, positivity and confidence! Also, if you want to start building up your own self-confidence- I’ll also leave a little link to my classes below!


3 reasons to Dance!

In the modern day you constantly get told that movement, dance, yoga, running etc are all good for you and the majority of people think “Yeah, yeah, heard it all before, it’s good for you” and then leave it there, putting it down to the fact it’s exercise and exercise is healthy for the body. Now, that is true and that is one of the main reasons to move but it does not stop there.

1st reason to dance, in my opinion, would be because it makes you feel good. Forget for a second about the effect dancing has on your body, but think of what it does to your brain. It stimulates. It helps to release those yummy endorphins which bring you positive energy and good vibes- one of my favourite dance quotes comes to mind here… “Why be moody when you can shake your booty”. Silly, I know, but very true! It’s also scientifically proven to help with memory, in many studies it has shown to reduce the risks of Dementia.

2nd reason to dance. It’s a fun workout?? Never thought I’d catch myself saying that but it’s fantastic for getting your body moving by not having to go to the gym and see all those people lifting weights, result! I get sweaty with every Fit-fun Dance class I do and the amount of steps afterwards always amazes me! And it’s currently all done from the comfort of my own home!

3rd reason to dance. There is SO much variety! I alone teach Ballroom, Latin, Street Dance, Fitness Dance, dances for weddings, Freestyle and there are still so many more styles! This in turn means so many different genres of music, what a bonus!

With all this being said- remember not to just join a dance class because of the benefits it’ll do for you physically, think of the positive impact it will have on your mental health too. I have had many messages about how my classes have impacted someone’s mood in a positive way and there is genuinely no better feeling than knowing you’ve helped towards making someone feel happy.

Speak soon!
Maisie, MRC DANCE <3